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Examination Board: AQA Textiles
The course consists of 2 units; the Coursework unit and the Externally Assessed Assignment. During the GCSE course students complete a range of projects based on a variety of themes, which make up 60% of the final GCSE grade. At the end of the course, students complete an externally set task which comprises the remaining 40%. This involves students selecting a question from an examination paper and then producing their own personal response to the theme.

Portfolio 60%
Students will complete a portfolio of work, that will include one full project evidencing the journey from initial engagement to the production of a final piece. They will also complete a selection of smaller projects as part of the portfolio that will make up the ‘coursework’ element of the qualification.

Externally Set Assignment 40%
The Externally Set Assignment (AQA) represents the culmination of the GCSE course as it draws together all the knowledge, understanding, and skills developed. Students must present personal responses to an externally set starting point, provided by the AQA paper, which is released at the beginning of January each year. Students have to produce a preparatory portfolio covering contextual research, observational drawing, experimentation, textile work, and ideas, culminating in the creation of final pieces during a 10-hour sustained focus period under examination conditions. 

This project makes up 40% of students’ overall GCSE Textile Design mark. 

AQA | Art and Design | Subject content | Textile design

Mr S Taylor | Subject Leader – Creative Industries | taylors@prentonhighschool.co.uk