At Prenton High School, our vision for students with special educational needs and disabilities is the same as for ALL students. We believe in making a difference so that EVERY student is encouraged and inspired to be the very best that they can be.
Below you will find links to useful documents, which set out our approach and responsibilities alongside further information about our team. Please click on the title of the area you would like to explore.
Meet The Team
Statutory Documents
Useful Agencies
Key Questions

Mr Morris, SENDCO and Inclusion Lead
Mr Morris is an experienced SENDCo who joined Prenton High School in September 2020.
Contact Details: 0151 644 8113 via ext. 210
or email MorrisJ@prentonhighschool.co.uk

Miss Heathcock, SEND Administrator
Miss Heathcock is the SEND Administrator and is always your best point of contact – she can triage your question immediately. Please direct emails to the team via Miss Heathcock.
Contact Details: 0151 644 8113 via ext. 210
or email SendCo@prentonhighschool.co.uk

Mrs Major, Assistant SENDCO
Mrs Major is Assistant SENCO and also responsible for English as An Additional Language. Please contact Mrs Major via Mrs Heathcock.

Mrs Barr, Higher Level Teaching Assistant
Mrs Barr is our KS4 SEND HLTA whose main focus is students who have academic challenges. Mrs Barr oversees the support for KS4 students who are based in The Studio. She also has a specialism in supporting students with ADHD.

Mr Green, Higher Level Teaching Assistant
Mr Green is our Higher Level Teaching Assistant supporting students where numeracy is a significant challenge.

Mr Casey, Higher Level Teaching Assistant
Mr Casey is our Higher Level Teaching Assistant supporting students where literacy is a significant challenge.

Miss Kearns, Teaching Assistant
Miss Kearns is a Teaching Assistant, who works with vulnerable students in receipt of an Educational Health Care Plan.

Miss Sullivan, Teaching Assistant
Miss Sullivan is a Teaching Assistant, who works with vulnerable students in receipt of an Educational Health Care Plan.

Mrs Konert, Teaching Assistant
Mrs Konert is a Teaching Assistant who works with vulnerable students in receipt of an Educational Health Care Plan.

Prenton High School SEND Information Report
This document is our provision and approach to teaching students with special educational needs and disabilities.

This document is our policy for the schools approach to students with special educational needs and disabilities.

Statutory guidance for organisations working with and supporting children and young people who have special educational needs or disabilities.

SEND Code of Practice: A Guide for Parents and Carers
A comprehensive guide to the system for supporting children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities.

Providing information on the support available locally for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities.

What do we offer at Prenton for our SEND students? The attached document is a summary of the resources available to our students.
What arrangements do we have in place for the admission of students with special educational needs and disabilities?
Section under development.
What steps have we taken to prevent SEND students being treated less favourably than other students?
Section under development.
How do we support SEND students with accessing facilities across the school?
Section under development.
What is included in Prenton High School’s accessibility plan?
Section under development.