At Prenton we have two core Governor committees. The remit of the Outcomes and Performance Committee is to look at academic achievement and student performance alongside the performance of all of our staff. The Finance, Premises, Pay & Personnel Committee focuses on the school’s key operations including budget planning, audit and risk, pay and premises.
Both committees meet termly, however additional ‘task and finish’ groups are sometimes held to progress aspects of each committee’s business including the development of new school policy, governor training and succession planning. Link Governors are also an important part of the committees and they play a key role in bringing the specialist insight and knowledge to all committee meetings that reflect the priorities of Prenton’s School Development Plan.
Prenton also has a number of other committees that meet as they are needed. They are the Student Panel, Staff Disciplinary and Staff Appeals Committees. The Chair of Governors also meets with the Chairs of each of the core committees once a term to review progress of these committees against their work programmes and to monitor the overall performance of the school.
All governing board meeting agendas, minutes and associated documents are available to any interested person. Please contact Mrs Zoe Cooper for further details on 0151 644 8113 or email cooperz@prentonhighschool.co.uk.