Becoming a governor at Prenton can be a hugely rewarding experience and does not take as much time as you might think!  Overall, you will need to attend two meetings per term, this will involve attending one of our core committees and of course sitting on the Full Governing Body.  Our style is relaxed and informal, and we are dedicated to supporting the school and its teaching staff to ensure our students have the best possible education.

Through our Link Governor initiative, you will also have the opportunity to visit school and work with our staff to get a better understanding of how Prenton works.  As you build your experience and knowledge of things like the curriculum, student support services and the way the academy trust runs for example, you will become an important and instrumental part of decision-making, as well as helping to shape the school’s development priorities.

Who can become a governor?

If you feel that you don’t know enough about the education sector to make a valid contribution, then don’t worry.  All our parent governors come from a variety of different backgrounds and where training is needed we will be sure to provide it.  All we ask is that you are committed to the school and are willing to help us build a strong governing body that strives for continual improvement so that Prenton continues to provide exceptional secondary education experiences.

Where a vacancy arises, all parents who have a child in the school are eligible for election.

Almost anyone over 18 years of age can become a governor.  There are no particular qualifications or requirements , however in order to help to secure the best outcomes for all of our students, we will always seek to recruit Governors who have relevant skills and experience to strengthen our existing Governing Body.

Increasingly, schools are seeking to secure a governing body whose members possess financial, legal or HR skills as well, of course, as attracting individuals who have a sound knowledge and understanding of the education sector.  Similarly, schools are under increasing pressure to operate as businesses and as a result, we will also seek to recruit Governors who have sound business and marketing skills.

For more information on being a parent governor, please contact Zoe Cooper:

Mrs Zoe Cooper
Headteacher’s PA
Prenton High School for Girls
Hesketh Avenue
CH42 6RR

For more general information on the rewards of becoming a Governor, please visit the National Governors’ Association website