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The aim of KS3 Science at Prenton is to provide the foundations for understanding the world through the disciplines of Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Our lessons are designed to build up a body of key foundational knowledge and concepts, understand how science can be used to explain what is occurring, predict how things will behave and analyse causes.

Our new Year 7 curriculum has been developed in response to the increasing demand of GCSE. Instead of the GCSE exam being largely a knowledge recall test, 60% of the marks are now for transferable understanding (called AO2) and higher level thinking (AO3).

We believe our KS3 curriculum provides a preparation for GCSE assessment objectives AO2 and AO3. It links KS3 to GCSE, helping our students to practice thinking processes, enquiry and maths skills though the application of science. It also supports them to develop a deep understanding of key concepts and the ability to apply them.

From the beginning of secondary science, the KS3 programme covers all of the key concepts and enquiry skills needed to give our students the best possible start and set them up for success in the new, more demanding GCSEs.

Table of Topics

Topics cover five key areas:

  • Forces
  • Energy
  • Matter
  • Organisms
  • Genes


Big IdeaYear 7 Year 8Year 9
Forces predict motionForces on materials
Balanced & unbalanced forces



Motion graphs

See Key Stage 4
Fields produce forcesGravity

Gravitational force

Solar system
Energy is conservedEnergy transfers
Heat & Temperature

Energy Wasted Energy
Electricity transfers energyElectric circuits
Electric Current

Electrical energy
Electric charge

Radiation transfers energyLight



Big IdeaYear 7 Year 8 Year 9 
Structure determines propertiesSubstances & particles
Particle Model


Pure substances
Elements & Compounds

8KC-Simple & Giant

See Key Stage 4
Reactions rearrange matterChanging substances
Chemical & Physical
pH Scale
Reactants & products
Acid reactions

Oxidation & reduction
Earth systems interactEarth systems
Earth Processes

Potable Water


Big IdeaYear 7 Year 8 Year 9 
Cells are aliveCells
Cell Structure

Specialised Cells
Cellular Energy

Aerobic & Anaerobic
See Key Stage 4
Bodies are systemsTissues & organs
Cell Organisation

Digestive System

Gas Exchange
Organisms are interdependentInterdependence
Feeding Relationships


Abiotic & Biotic
Characteristics are InheritedReproduction
Sexual & Asexual

Menstrual Cycle

Embryo Development
Species show variationLife diversity

Selective Breeding

Natural Selection

Topics at KS4 continue to cover five key areas:

  • Forces
  • Energy
  • Matter
  • Organisms
  • Genes


Big IdeaYear 9Year 10 Year 11 
Forces predict motion Force & direction
Force vectors

Equilibrium & interactions  
Newton’s laws

Newton’s laws


11U – Space
Fields produce forces   Magnetism
Magnetic field

Motor effect
Energy is conservedEnergy conservation
Kinetic & potential


Energy resources 
Thermal transfer

Specific & latent

 Electricity transfers energy Home electricity

Ohm’s law
 Radiation transfers energySound & waves
Wave model

Longitudinal & transverse

Electromagnetic spectrum
E.M. Radiation
Wave behaviour

Radioactive decay

Half – life


Big IdeaYear 9Year 10 Year 11 
Structure determines propertiesPeriodic table
Subatomic particles

Periodic patterns
Structure & bonding
Ionic, covalent, metallic 

Carbon chemistry

Reactions rearrange matterMatter & energy
Atom conservation

Reaction energy
Making substances
Making salts

Amount of substance

Controlling reactions
Reaction rate

Earth systems interact Atmosphere
Earth’s atmosphere

Global warming

Product lifecycle


Big IdeaYear 9Year 10 Year 11 
Cells are aliveGrowth & differentiation
Cell transport

Cell division

Plant transport  
Bodies are systemsOrgan systems
Circulatory system

Digestive system

Feedback & control
Nervous system

Endocrine system

Organisms are interdependent Human interaction

Communicable disease

System damage

Immune system
 Characteristics are inherited Genetics

Monohybrid inheritance
Controlling reproduction
Reproductive hormones

Genetic engineering
Species show variationEvolution
Evolutionary theory


GCSE Triple Award (Separate sciences)

Examination board: AQA Biology (8461); Chemistry (8462); Physics (8463)

This qualification is linear meaning that students will sit all examinations at the end of the course. For each GCSE, there are two papers (two Biology, two Chemistry and two Physics). Each of the papers will assess knowledge and understanding from distinct topic areas.

Each of the papers is a written exam: 1 hour 45 minutes (100 marks) worth 50% of each GCSE. Each paper consists of multiple-choice, structured, closed short answer and open response questions. Foundation and Higher Tier. Graded 9-1.

GCSE Science Combined (Trilogy)

Examination board: AQA Trilogy (8464)

This qualification is assessed through examinations at the end of the course. There are six papers; two Biology, two Chemistry and two Physics. Each of the papers will assess knowledge and understanding from distinct topic areas.

Each of the 6 papers is a written exam: 1 hour 15 minutes (70 marks) worth 16.7% of GCSE. Each paper consists of multiple-choice, structured, closed short answer and open response questions. Foundation and Higher Tier. Graded 9-1.

Entry Level Science

Examination board: AQA Entry Level Certificate Science (5960)

Like the GCSE course, this qualification is linear. Linear means that students submit all components that form the assessment at the end of the course. The assessments set are ‘on demand’. This means our students can complete set assignments when they are ready, helping to keep them motivated. The language used in the tests allow students to focus on the science and achieve the results they deserve.

There are two different types of assessment.

  1. Externally set assignments (ESAs) consist of a short written test. (57%)
  2. Teacher devised assignments (TDAs) consist of a short piece of practical work. (43%)

Mr P Hignett | Subject Leader – Science | hignettp@prentonhighschool.co.uk