Subject Information
Learning Journey
Instrument Lessons
In Year 7, students have 2 music lessons over the 2 week timetable, Y8 have 3 lessons and Y9 have 4. Students are taught a range of musical genres, learn about the key musical elements and hone ensemble performance skills. The Key Stage 3 curriculum builds a strong foundation in the subject for those whose opt to undertake GCSE Music at Key Stage 4.

- Syllabus: 1MUO
- Examination board: Pearson
- Qualification: GCSE Music. Graded 9-1.
Component 1: Performing – 30% Internally marked, externally moderated
Component 2: Composing – 30% Internally marked, externally moderated
Component 3: Appraising (Listening) – 40% Externally examined 1hour 45 minutes
Section A – 8 Questions : 68 Marks (Based on 8 set works)
Section B – 1 Essay style question : 12 marks
This course stretches students academically through the Listening Paper and 8 set works. In addition to this the course will require students to create 2 pieces of original music. One to a choice of 4 set briefs (released in the September of the second year of study) and one free choice. Students must preform 2 pieces of music. One must be a solo and one must be an ensemble. These pieces are a free choice for the students and can be performed on any instrument of their choice.
Whilst not compulsory, study of an instrument/singing lessons greatly enhances a student’s experience of the course and can help to improve performance grades. These can be taken in school or privately. Students are also encouraged to attend music extra-curricular groups to help develop important performance and confidence skills which will aide them in improving their overall grade.

Students are taken out of their timetabled lesson and attend their instrument lesson on a rota ensuring that the same lesson is not missed too many times in a row.
Instrumental Tuition Academic Year 2022/23 Charges for lessons are:
• Individual 20 minute £14.40 per week
• Individual 30 minute £19.56 per week
• Group lesson for 30 minutes £7.20 per week (minimum 3 pupils) (All prices include 20% VAT)
Pupil Premium students have access to free instruments provided they ensure that attendance to the lessons is above 90%.
To sign up for Music lessons, please click the link below. Select Prenton High School for Girls, create an Edsential portal account and follow the instructions to book instrument lessons.
Mrs C Burns | Subject Leader – Music & Performing Arts | burnsc@prentonhighschool.co.uk